NItrite in aquaculture system is due to feed waste, faeces and plankton crash. The excess nitrogen will be converted into ammonia (TAN, NH , and NH +), which is ten converted into nitrite (NO ), 3 4 2 simultaneously into nitrate (NO ) by denitrifying bacteria. But under low pH condition, the converted 3 nitrite becomes toxic to the animal.
Microbial solution for Nitrite solution
If pH is low (7.4 – 7 or less), will be toxic for low NO -level. Hence, the role of probiotics in de nitrification 2 cycle is important to reduce toxic effect of NO -. Our product Pro-Nite contains Thiobacillus, 2 Micrococcus, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter and enzymes. Pro-Nite will reduce toxic nitrate, H S, 2 increase DO, imporove feed intake and growth rate.